How To Go Live on Instagram In 2024 | Simple Guide


How To Go Live on Instagram-Did you know that videos could be your most significant competitive advantage on Instagram? Data shows that videos garner 38% more interaction than photos do.

The rising popularity of Instagram Live is evidence that people enjoy viewing live video broadcasts. Instagram Live is a tool that must be addressed if your brand wants to attract its desired demographic.

This post provides you with information on how to properly start an Instagram live video and some tips to get better results with the feature.

Reasons For Using Instagram Live

There are a lot of brands on Instagram right now, all trying to get your attention. You need to improve your Instagram technique if you want to grab the attention of your target audience.

There needs to be more than just creating, editing, and publishing videos to increase interaction with this content.

The best way to show them off to your target audience is by using whichever method works best for you, and one of those methods is to go live on Instagram. It would help if you incorporated Instagram Live into your content plan. They include:

1.    Connecting with your audience is easy with live video.

Scheduling posts on Instagram is a common practice for reaching a large following. However, the live videos allow for a more intimate interaction.

While comments and DMs are great ways to interact with Instagram users, nothing surpasses having a live conversation with them using Instagram Live. It’s an excellent tool for getting to know your listeners deeper.

2.    When you go live, your audience will be notified automatically.

Going live on Instagram also has the excellent side effect of alerting your followers (who have alerts enabled) that you’re about to go live. To gain exposure for your brand on such a crowded platform, you’ll need to move quickly and make the most of every opening.

Instagram Live allows you to do just that. We’ve compiled a list of considerations to help you prepare for your Instagram live broadcast.

3.    The Feed Now Includes Real-Time Videos

Many companies and individuals are now using Instagram Stories. Therefore, having an image representing your business appear in one of the few available spaces at the top of your followers’ newsfeeds may be challenging. If you go live, though, your content will replace the one at the top of Stories, bringing more attention to your business.

How To Go Live on Instagram With Your Phone

If you own an iPhone or an Android, here’s how to broadcast live to Instagram:

  • In Instagram, open the “+” button (upper right).
  • First Steps for Going Live on Instagram
  • Click on “Live.”
  • On the left, you’ll find options to customize your broadcast in various ways, such as selecting a broadcast audience, adding a title and branding partners, donating to a charity, and practicing a live broadcast for yourself alone. Choosing to air a live show is the last option.
  • Stage 3 of Instagram Live Streaming
  • Step Four: Go Live on Instagram
  • Feel free to select a filter.
  • To start recording, click the button in the middle.

How To Go live on Instagram With Your PC

Downloading or signing up for a mobile phone emulator is the first step toward learning how to use Instagram live on a computer. This program simulates a smartphone, allowing you to utilize Instagram Live on a computer rather than a mobile device. We’ll use BlueStacks for this explanation.

Here are the instructions you need to install and utilize Bluestacks.

  • First, get the Bluestacks app from the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, or the Microsoft Store. Alternatively, you can visit
  • To begin the installation process, double-click the folder.
  • Get the Bluestacks software to learn how to make an MP3 file on your iPhone 3. A Bluestacks account can be started by launching the app.
  • Download the Instagram app from the Google Play store.
  • Launch the top-rated MP3 recorder app for the iPhone 5, Bluestacks, and sign up for an account. Launch Instagram on your personal computer and sign in.
  • To do so, simply swipe your Instagram stream to the left.
  • Instagram mobile app recording an iPhone 7 MP3; download. Go to the very bottom of the page and click “Live.”
  • To adjust the camera’s settings, select the cog symbol.
  • To modify the stream in any way, press the “Text” button. You should share the topic with your followers.
  • To adjust your camera’s settings, select the cogwheel icon. iPhone 10: Recreating an MP3 File. When you press the record button, recording will begin.
  • 11: To stop broadcasting, press the “X” button.

Frequently Asked Questions About Instagram Live

1.    If I want to go live on Instagram, how many followers do I need?

Zero. Any Instagram user can broadcast live. Instagram does not enforce a minimum amount of followers for live streaming. In addition, a separate company account is not required.

2.    Why is Instagram stopping me from going live?

Poor Wi-Fi or cell connectivity could be at blame if you’re having trouble going live on Instagram. Close the program, restart it, and then attempt to go live again.

Try turning it off and then back on your phone if that doesn’t work. Some Instagram users have reported issues inviting a friend to join their live broadcast.

3. Does anyone use Instagram Live anymore?

In 2023, anyone with an Instagram account can activate the mobile app. Instagram Live is an excellent way for brands and influencers to connect with their audience and foster community among Instagram users.


Streaming live content can be simple. Use this as a starting point to plan how to use Instagram Live to market your channel, page, business, craft, service, or personality.


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