Twitter Growth, Opportunities and Monetization


Most of us know Twitter to be the hardest platform to grow an audience as a blogger or marketer but trust me it’s not rocket science but if you want to grow a big personal brand on it even now it’s very possible.

Twitter has evolved and it’s now called “X” so I won’t be dwelling much on its past but the present which is now X and I won’t be going into things you already know, please use the comments section to ask me any questions on anything I forget to touch.

Twitter Growth

1. Niche

Just like any platform you would need to pick a niche and stick to it, but if you decide to be a general twitter creator then it’s fine, as long as the audience relate to you’re tweets.

For me when I started being active on twitter, I tweeted everything from entertainment, music, sports to bants and I always participated in dragging, I grew fast to over 20k followers until when reality dawned on me, people knew my account but I wasn’t known for anything specific and I wasn’t getting much gigs or promotions.

So after I figured that out, I stuck with football and I’ve been tweeting only football for 3 years now.

2. Content Style

Tweeps have deferent styles of tweeting but this is totally based on your niche and would be key to you being unique on the platform, you could always sound funny, angry or sarcastic when tweeting or even blunt and straight to the point.

3. Build Connections and Network 

You can’t grow on twitter if you can’t socialize with other users like you who are also trying to grow.

When we started we used to have groups where we exchanged our tweets links and interact with each others tweets so we all share visibility within ourselves

4. Engagement is Key

Twitter is give and take, if you don’t engage on tweeps you follow, they won’t engage back on your tweets. Engage with tweets you relate with, and people would want to check your page and see what you tweet.

5. Utilize trending topics 

This is where most influencers get massive visibility, they talk on trending topics so their accounts we be seen by more persons and in return more followers

6. Use visual appeal (eg memes)

You can spice your tweets with memes only when necessary and share triggering videos, content like that tend to do well on twitter.


If you are already big on another platform or already a big blogger or YouTube you could use twitter for some of the following

1. Personal Branding

you can showcase your expertise by tweeting daily and sharing content or knowledge you’ve gathered over the years. Trust me, people who visit your blogs also search you on twitter so they can read what you talk about daily

2. Networking

like I said earlier about networking, you can find like kinda like you on twitter and have deep conversations with them

3. Sharing your blog or YouTube content

Ofcourse when you have built an audience the next thing to do is to drive traffic or make sales to what you sell or market.

You can share your links daily but not to spam twitter, twitter hates external links, usually only links on trending topics do well.

4. Research

you could research twitter trending topics to see what people are talking about as a blogger to write viral content on a make videos as a YouTuber.

Trending topics on twitter tend to spill over to other platforms and even google


Twitter Revenue Growth

There are3 ways to monetize on Twitter

  1. Sales from products you sell 
  2. Sponsored brand ads (For Influencers)
  3. Twitter Ad Revenue Sharing Program

So in general twitter offers lot of opportunities for users whether you just want to sell stuff there of push your links as a blogger or brand yourself as a leader in your profession.

Twitter requires authenticity, consistency and active participation to grow an audience. And another thing it works in real time.



1. If I want to trend on Twitter how do I do that?

2. You talked about engagement how do one start that because me now I just enter Twitter drop and go does it mean I have to be on Twitter 24/7?

3. How do I gain more followers any tricks?

4. The trending #tags, how do you go about it most at times it might not be in line with your topics.

5. How did you become popular on Twitter btw just 🤔

6. Does your profile pictures, bio, e.t.c. matters for ur Twitter to grow?


1 – You would need to work with influencers to create a trend strategy based on who you are or what you do. Even celebrities pay influencers on twitter to run trends for them.

2 – You have to be on Twitter most of the time to grow, if you tweet and people reply you, you can’t be coming the next day to reply them.

3 – big accounts run follow trains and you can always engage big accounts by dropping thoughtful comments in their tweets, this would trigger people to follow you.

4 –  use tags related to your tweets, let’s say BBNAIJA is trending and you want to tweet about it, use the bbnaija tags 2 tags is okay, 3 or more is considered spamming.

5. My tweets were alway going viral cos I was consistent on trending topics, I somehow found myself with good following and gigs started coming.

Source: @oyimzy


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