Getting started with Prime Video in Nigeria is a simple steps away. For people that are asking that ‘can I access Amazon Prime Video in Nigeria.’ Here, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about Prime Video NIGERIA Logins. If you get value from this article, please share and subscribe to our Newsletter.
In August 4, 2022, Prime Video unveiled the launch of the localized version of its streaming service in Nigeria. That’s to say, Amazon Prime Video entered African’s Biggest Market – Nigeria in August 4, 2022 and it’s been in Africa since 2016.
However, since it inception, Prime Video has been making names in the world of streamers in Nigeria. Meanwhile, one of it biggest competitors – Netflix is more popular not only in Nigeria but worldwide. Check the best and popular Nollywood Movies to Watch on Amazon Prime Video in 2023.
When the service delve into Nigeria Market, there’s already some local streaming platforms that are doing well. Prime Video has to succor to regulations and must still rival with the local and international platforms. However, that’s just a minor.
In this post, we’re going to discuss Prime Video Nigeria Login. Many people don’t know how to access Amazon Prime in Nigeria, hence, we’re going to be covering the creation of prime video account, the activation of Prime Video in Nigeria and many more.
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How to create Amazon Prime Video Account in Nigeria
We’ll like to break this down for you so that you’ll be able to get what you’re looking for. As we know that this article is base on ‘Prime Video Nigeria Login’, jumping directly into it without touching some key points like account creation, account activation, account accessibility and more will be valueless.
Hence, we’re going to be walking you through the process of creating Prime Video account in Nigeria, then activating the account and accessing the login portal that’s difficult for most of the users in Nigeria.
To create and register an account on Prime Video in Nigeria, follow the process highlighted below:
Step1: Visit Prime Video Dot Com
Go-to your device browser (it can be PC, Android, iPhone or Tablet). Use the search bar to search for ‘Amazon Prime Video’ or visit The link will land you at Prime Video Nigeria Homepage.
Step2: Start A 7-day Free Trial
When the link takes you to the homepage, you’ll have the option to Login immediately if you’re already a paid member or select the second option to start your 7-days free trial. To start account registration, tap Start your 7-day free trial as highlighted in the image below.
The click will redirected you to Amazon website ( where you’ll require to create an account. However, it’s necessary to input your first and last name, your country code and phone number or you can use email instead, and lastly, create a unique password and tap Verify My Phone Number or Verify My Email if you’re using email to sign up.
Step3: Activate your Prime Video for Free
To activate your Amazon Prime Video for Free in Nigeria, you need first to verify your account. To do this, enter the OTP code sent to your registered mobile number or email address at the given box in the next page of account registration.
Once your phone number/email address is verified, you can then proceed to payment section. To Activate Prime Video for Free, you have to submit your debit/credit card details. MasterCard, Visa card and American Express are accepted for Prime Video Subscription in Nigeria.
Additionally, a dollar virtual cards such as chipper cash virtual dollar card and payday virtual MasterCard can be used to pay for Prime Video in Nigeria. Check out how to pay for Prime Video with M-pesa.
Once your bank card is successfully submitted, boom, your Prime Video Account will be automatically activated for free. However, this only last for 7 days. After seven days, you’ll be require to subscribe which only cost N2,300 per month in Nigeria.
Step4: Login to your Account
Once you’re done with the account registration, verification and activation, then you can sign-in to your account to start enjoying your free activation in Nigeria. To access the Prime Video Login dashboard, visit on your device’s browser.
Prime Video Nigeria Login
Login portal to Amazon Prime Video in Nigeria differs base on devices. To login via mobile, you can visit the, or go-to primevideo website and tap on ‘Prime Video Member? Sign In‘.
This Login method is the same on Laptop, Phone, Tablet, iPad, Mac and everything other streaming devices except Smart TVs. To login your Prime Video Account on Smart TV, visit and sign-in as ‘Already a Customer’ using your registered phone number or email address.
Furthermore, Login via Prime Video Mobile Edition in Nigeria is simple. Just download Prime Video App on Apple App Store or Google Play Store and sign in using your unique username and password.
Amazon Prime Video Mobile Edition is a single device, mobile-only plans that’s offered through a third-party platform to a country. For instance, MTN is offering Prime Video Mobile Edition subscription service through MTN Play in Nigeria.
However, Amazon Prime Login via Smart TVs requires activation. Upon login at, an OTP code will be sent to your phone number or email, input the 4-digit code where necessary and voila, you’re in.
As a Nigerian, login via any of these portal is essential to access your Prime Video Account anywhere. However, if you’re unable to access your account due to one error or the other, you can contact Amazon Prime Nigeria customer support service or visit the help center.
Prime Video Nigeria Login portal makes it easy to Nigerians to access the exclusive contents on the Amazon Prime. Simply by using your unique username and password in the Login portal, you can access your Prime Video account from anywhere in the world.
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