Smishing Attack: How to Prevent Criminals from Stealing your Data


Smishing is a SMS Phishing. Cyber criminals uses it as a mobile text messages to deceive into clicking links that could lead to sharing of sensitive data such as bank info, and automatic downloading of malicious software that can compromised your entire device.

Phishing is a cyber scam where hackerrs trick victims into revealing their sensitive information or installing malware such as ransomware that could compromised their entire computer. So, Smishing is the mobile text messages version of Phishing. In other words, the term “Smishing” was originated from the combination of the words SMS and phishing.

Instead of using email as means of striking, cyber attackers send their baits through SMS, and victim receives it through mobile text messages.

According to research and analysis made by in 2021, Smishing Attacks have been experienced by 76% of companies, organizations and busineses in 2022. This cyber attack is seeing urge continually in the hacktivists realms simply because everyone has a mobile device and indeed, an SMS app comes preinstalled on phone messages.

Smishing vs. Phishing, Here’s the Difference

Phishing and smishing are deceptive techniques used by cybercriminals to steal personal information, but they differ in their delivery methods. Phishing primarily occurs through email, while smishing takes place via text messages. Here’s a quick guide to understanding the distinctions:


Phishing involves fraudulent emails that appear to be from trusted sources, like banks or social media platforms. These emails often contain alarming messages, urging recipients to click on malicious links or provide sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details. Vigilance is key when dealing with unexpected emails, and it’s crucial to verify senders and website URLs.


Smishing, or SMS phishing, operates through text messages. Scammers impersonate reputable entities, such as government agencies or mobile carriers, and send messages containing suspicious links. These links lead to fake websites designed to steal personal data. Always be cautious of unsolicited texts and avoid clicking on links from unknown sources.

In both cases, the goal is to deceive and compromise your information. Staying informed and practicing caution when encountering unexpected messages is your best defense against falling victim to these scams. Remember, your digital security is in your hands, so stay vigilant to protect yourself from phishing and smishing attempts. Continue reading to learn more.

How to respond to Smishing

In today’s digital age, it’s become commonplace for banks and brands to reach out to us via SMS, often including shortened URLs in their messages. These texts typically contain tempting offers, resulting in high Click Through Rates (CTRs). However, this convenience has also paved the way for a rising threat – Smishing attacks.

Smishing, a portmanteau of “SMS” and “phishing,” involves cybercriminals masquerading as trusted organizations or institutions. They craft messages that convincingly pose as government agencies or prominent companies, such as loan institutions. In Kenya, for instance, many cybercriminals impersonate Safaricom representatives, prompting the telco to officially collaborate with the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to combat this menace. Others pretend to be affiliated with popular mobile loan apps.

These scams are successful because they exploit the trust people have in government bodies and major corporations. When an unsuspecting individual receives a text message containing a link, they’re likely to click on it. Unfortunately, this link often leads to a meticulously designed fake page that closely resembles the official website of the organization in question. In some unfortunate cases, individuals proceed to provide their sensitive personal information, unaware of the trap they’re falling into.

The consequences of falling victim to a Smishing attack can be dire. The private data shared with these scammers can compromise not only your mobile phone but also your bank accounts, digital payment platforms, and credit/debit cards. For example, scammers might exploit your data to make unauthorized online purchases using your card details or initiate transfers from your PayPal account to other unknown accounts.

Furthermore, Smishing isn’t just a threat to individual users. Hackers often engage in these attacks to collect personal data, which they subsequently sell to the highest bidder on the dark web. This black market for personal information exposes your data to even more malicious actors who may exploit it for various nefarious purposes.

9 ways to prevent Smishing

In today’s interconnected world, where our smartphones are our lifelines, the threat of smishing (SMS phishing) has become increasingly prevalent. Cybercriminals are using text messages to trick unsuspecting individuals into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. 

However, by taking proactive steps and staying informed, you can protect yourself from falling victim to smishing attacks. Here, we’ll explore effective strategies to prevent smishing and keep your digital world secure.

1. Stay Informed: Know What Smishing Is

The first step in preventing smishing is understanding what it is. Smishing is a form of phishing where scammers send text messages that appear to be from legitimate sources to steal your personal information or install malware on your device. By being aware of this threat, you’re less likely to be caught off guard.

2. Verify the Sender

Always double-check the sender’s information before interacting with a text message. Legitimate organizations will often use recognizable sender IDs or numbers. If you receive a text from an unknown or suspicious source, be cautious and refrain from clicking on any links or sharing personal information.

3. Don’t Click on Suspicious Links

One of the most common tactics used in smishing attacks is sending shortened URLs that lead to fake websites. Avoid clicking on any links sent via text, especially if the message is unexpected or seems too good to be true. Instead, verify the source through official channels before proceeding.

4. Protect Personal Information

Never share sensitive personal information like Social Security numbers, credit card details, or passwords via text message. Legitimate organizations will not ask for this information through SMS. If you receive a text requesting such data, consider it a red flag and report it immediately.

5. Install Security Software

Invest in reputable mobile security software that can detect and block malicious text messages and links. These apps can provide an additional layer of protection against smishing attacks, ensuring your device remains secure.

6. Update Your Operating System and Apps

Regularly updating your smartphone’s operating system and apps is crucial. These updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit in smishing attacks. Keep your device up to date to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

7. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enabling 2FA on your accounts adds an extra layer of security. Even if a scammer manages to obtain your login credentials through smishing, they won’t be able to access your accounts without the second authentication factor, which is typically a code sent to your trusted device.

8. Report Suspected Smishing Attacks

If you receive a suspicious text message, report it to your mobile carrier and the appropriate authorities. Reporting these incidents helps identify and track down cybercriminals, making it more difficult for them to operate.

9. Educate Yourself and Others

Share information about smishing with your friends and family. The more people are aware of this threat, the less successful smishing attacks will be. Encourage your loved ones to follow these


In summary, while the convenience of receiving SMS messages from banks and brands is undeniable, it’s crucial to remain vigilant. Never click on suspicious links, especially in unsolicited text messages. Be cautious when sharing personal information, and always verify the authenticity of the sender.

Related Article: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Anonymous Sudan.

By staying informed and cautious, you can protect yourself from falling victim to Smishing attacks and safeguard your sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. Your online security is in your hands; don’t let cybercriminals trick you into compromising it.


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