Austin Miles Kelechi, renowned in the music world as Tekno, a celebrated Nigerian artist, has recently made an exciting announcement that has sent waves of anticipation through the entertainment industry. He has pledged to include the immensely talented Big Brother Naija All Stars housemate and singer, Hazel Oyeze Onou, affectionately known as Whitemoney, on his forthcoming worldwide tour.
This momentous declaration came to light when a video of Whitemoney’s captivating rendition of Tekno’s hit song ‘Duro’ during the Pepsi task on a Saturday was shared on his microblogging site, X handler. Whitemoney’s handler, in awe of his performance, captioned the clip with enthusiasm, saying, “Odogwu Whitemoney! Agba Entertainer. @alhajitekno come and carry your boy oooo. Na so Team Ravers carry us reach @OneAfrica_Music naw nawwww. Thank you @pepsi_naija informationguidenigeria. Welldone @crossda_boss @theangeljbsmith.”
In a response that ignited excitement and buzz among fans and followers alike, Tekno himself quoted the post with a promise that left no room for doubt: “You go follow me for tour.”
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This groundbreaking revelation from Tekno comes hot on the heels of the release of his eagerly awaited sophomore album, ‘The More The Better,’ which dropped just last Friday. As the ‘Duro’ crooner gears up for what promises to be an exhilarating global tour, fans and music enthusiasts around the world are brimming with anticipation for the unforgettable performances and musical collaborations that lie ahead.
The partnership between Tekno and Whitemoney signifies not only a harmonious fusion of musical talents but also a celebration of the vibrant and dynamic Nigerian music scene. It exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and support that is prevalent among artists in the industry, showcasing the power of music to unite and inspire people across the globe.
As the world eagerly awaits further details about this momentous tour, one thing is certain: the combination of Tekno’s chart-topping hits and Whitemoney’s undeniable charisma and vocal prowess is destined to create a musical experience that transcends borders and captivates audiences worldwide. It’s a journey that promises to celebrate the richness of Nigerian music and culture while leaving an indelible mark on the global stage.